Med-X-Press GmbH

Blog #30: We proudly present...

...our new website: To kick off the new year, we are relaunching our website with a modern design, increased user-friendliness and optimized service functions.

[Translate to English:] Neue Med-X-Press Webseite

Author: Natascha de Raad

Last week was the go-live and anyone who has ever designed and then realized a website can easily understand my relief. If something goes wrong in the last few meters, does a small error that crept in despite careful checking lead to our timeline being torn apart again? What feels like a thousand questions pop up. When the final click finally gives the go-ahead: a sigh of relief, everything has worked.  Now I'm sitting in front of the monitor, looking at what we've produced and thinking: Yes, I would like to like it.

In this blog post, I would like to share with you some of the thoughts that have moved me during the development of our new online presence. You can never be completely satisfied, but I have to admit that I really like what I see. Of course, you can never meet everyone's expectations, especially your own, but we have achieved our defined goals. The navigation is much clearer, links lead me quickly to the desired information and the redesigned layout is a good mix of text and images. 

We have come a long way until then

Countless meetings, workshops, team meetings: brainstorming, inspiration, ideas and a lot of time until the final commitment. An investment that I think has paid off. The clear structure and the new menu navigation are more or less technical aspects; in terms of content, we have moved away from text and opted for a modern visual language.  Photo shoots in the individual departments provide visitors to the Med-X-Press site with authentic photos and illustrate the presentation of our services. Because a company website is far more than just a business card! It provides insights into our daily business, presents our outsourcing services and focuses on our USPs. It should convey a vivid impression of our corporate culture, i.e. present our overall performance.  In short: What makes us special and what makes us unique?  

This is exactly what we want to get to the point with the new website

That is why we have also placed our communication channels, such as the Pharma-Logistik-Brief or this blog - which, by the way, has made it to 30 issues with this article - directly on the homepage. This allows users to access the news from our company quickly and without any detours. This means that everyone is always up to date with Med-X-Press.  

We also emphasize the importance of personnel recruitment with a top position on the homepage. What is particularly important to us: improving the quality of service. We have revised all functions and added new ones.  For example, customers can book a timeslot via Cargoclix, we have integrated Google Maps and a quick contact function facilitates communication - 24/7.

I have now presented a whole range of aspects that have moved and motivated us in the realization of our new website and of course I hope that I have made you curious about 

But, as you know: "After the game is before the game" 

We may be online, but of course we're moving on. We will collect, analyze and process reactions, suggestions and criticism. The use of modern IT technology opens up many opportunities for the further development of our Internet presence. The keyword here is content management. By implementing moving images or interactive tools, we can create an attractive communication platform. As you can see, the journey is not over yet. We have already planned the next steps, so: "Stay tuned". 

Take a look at our website now, - and you will understand that I will be particularly pleased to receive your feedback today! 

Natascha de Raad

Managing Director   
Sales and Marketing