Med-X-Press GmbH

Blog #8: Be courageous, assertive and optimistic!

Managing Director Lars Dörhage on positive news at the start of the year.

Managing Director Lars Dörhage on positive news at the start of the year.

By Lars Dörhage
reading time: 3 Minuten

Good News 

Did you have a relaxing Christmas and a good start to the year? That was the case for me and I had time and leisure "between the years" to look back and look ahead. I consciously reminded myself of the positive news from the past year. For me, there was (also) good news in 2022, which I will address in our BLOG 08, the first in the new year, and would like to motivate you to do the same in order to approach 2023 with vigor and optimism. 

Only bad news? Not at all! 

"Bad news is good news" may be relevant for media circulation or click figures. Allow me to interpret this dogma a little differently: "Bad news create good news".

The past year has truly been an unprecedented year of crisis. If you ask me now: "What can be positive about a pandemic or a war?", this question is justified. And yet, I think we also need to understand the consequences in a positive sense. The coronavirus pandemic seemed to have finally been overcome, the suffering of many of those affected is still present and the long-term effects of the disease have not yet been sufficiently documented and investigated. Nevertheless, many things have worked extremely well. 
Despite all the shortcomings and points of criticism, the stakeholders in the healthcare system worked together efficiently, closely and in a spirit of trust. For example, in vaccine production, nationwide logistics and finally in the vaccinations themselves. 

Social cohesion and solidarity were strengthened in a time characterized by uncertainty and upheaval. And this also applies to the consequences of the terrible Russian attack on Ukraine. By the end of the year, Germany alone had taken in over one million registered refugees from the war zone and the willingness to help and donate remains high.

In times of crisis, deficits become clear that reveal themselves as if through a burning glass, crystal clear so to speak. I include the lack of digital infrastructure, which has prompted companies, schools and public administration to finally tackle long overdue processes. Or let's take the topic of energy. The expansion of renewable energies, which is already necessary due to climate change, has been given a tremendous boost by exploding prices. 

We at Med-X-Press are also planning further photovoltaic systems to fully secure our self-sufficiency and contribute to improving our carbon footprint. In our 2022 sustainability report, we described our measures and provided an outlook. We will continue to work on this with great commitment this year, as energy prices will keep us firmly in their grip.  
The best news for Med-X-Press last year was undoubtedly the commissioning of our new anaesthetic warehouse. We breathed a sigh of relief when the final hurdles were overcome, as the situation was not always easy, especially for the trade businesses involved and when purchasing materials. Problems that we are also confronted with in our company. The shortage of skilled workers will not be solved in the short term. But we were able to recruit new employees in 2022, even if some positions remain vacant. Lamenting won't get us anywhere at this point. Regionally and nationally, we are committed to measures to recruit new team members and support close cooperation between students and companies through our networks, for example, in order to attract future specialist staff. 
With regard to our workforce, allow me to take a positive sideways glance: After three years of abstinence, we were finally able to celebrate another great company party in  
2022 - and are already looking forward to the next one.

You see (read) not everything was negative - and you can also initiate "good news" yourself.

One example:

At Med-X-Press, I have asked the members of our management team not only to tell us at regular meetings what hasn't worked, where things are going wrong or what difficulties have arisen in some projects. Discussing this is right and important because we are constantly optimizing our work. But it is just as important for me to report on what has been successfully completed - and that is no small amount of positive reporting and incredibly motivating!

I would like to share more good news from very different areas with you.

Many new drugs in 2023

New drugs are launched on the German market every year. Pharmaceutical companies are currently developing drugs for more than 145 diseases. For 2023 alone, 45 drugs are at the starting line for approval. These include indications such as cancer and Alzheimer's, but also rare diseases. This gives hope for the alleviation of symptoms and the healing of patients.

Compatibility of charging cables

Everyone knows the situation: smartphone battery empty, no suitable charging cable within reach? This is about to change, as Brussels adopted the uniform USB-C standard in October 2022. This means: "One for all", which will not only save consumers money, but also avoid large amounts of electronic waste.

Successful species protection

Contrary to all expectations, the number of tigers in the wild in Nepal has tripled in recent years. Worldwide, the population has increased by almost 40 percent. The largest wild cats are on the Red List of Threatened Species and are considered critically endangered, with several subspecies already extinct. This is why the rising number of tigers is a ray of hope for species conservation - in the Chinese Year of the Tiger 2022. The majestic big cats symbolize courage, assertiveness and optimism, which I think are the best prerequisites for a successful 2023.

Good start

I would like to end my list of positive news here. It is selective and I am sure you can think of one or two positive things from the past year that you have experienced and learned about or that have been lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I don't want to gloss over anything, because 2023 will hold new challenges for us all. Build on the good news, it forms a solid foundation for tackling the new year head on. 


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