Med-X-Press GmbH

Blog #4: Our narcotics warehouse as a significant milestone in the history of Med-X-Press

Managing Director Lars Dörhage on the new narcotics warehouse from Med-X-Press

Managing Director Lars Dörhage on the new anesthetic warehouse from Med-X-Press

By Lars Dörhage
reading time: 5 Min.

"The new narcotics warehouse is a significant milestone in the history of Med-X-Press"

I am delighted to be able to write my first post after the successful launch of our Med-X-Press blog. The current occasion is our brand new narcotics warehouse (BtM warehouse), which we inaugurated on October 13, 2022. I couldn't have wished for a better topic for a blog post. Because the BtM warehouse is not only a milestone with a signal effect in our still young company history - it is also an expression of our entrepreneurial and visionary attitude, which has made us one of the leading full-film partners in the medical and healthcare industry within a very short space of time.

The project was under a lucky star right from the start.

In other words: it couldn't have gone better. It took a total of 15 months to build the new Med-X-Press narcotics warehouse from the ground-breaking ceremony at the end of April 2021 to the inauguration. We invested around 5.3 million euros in the new building, most of which was spent on air conditioning and safety technology. Our new "high-security wing" holds around 4,500 pallets and offers 1,000 square meters of space for picking and packing.

We have thus set a clear example throughout the industry:

The importance of the new building plays a central role in the future positioning and competitiveness of Med-X-Press. Why? The expansion makes Med-X-Press the largest provider of narcotics logistics in Germany. This new building continues the success story of our company for all to see. On the one hand, it symbolizes our entrepreneurial passion and dynamism, and on the other, it cements Med-X-Press's role as a major employer in the region.

The narcotics warehouse was a matter of the heart from the very beginning.

People often ask me why we have embarked on this mammoth project. After all, we already had a fully functional narcotics warehouse with sufficient capacity. The answer is simple: we are thinking ahead. The market for narcotics and cannabis has been growing for years. The need for legally compliant solutions for temperature-controlled logistics is therefore particularly high in this area. And we assume that the demand for our services will increase significantly once again with the expected legalization of cannabis. Even if - as it seems - legalization will take a few more years: With the new, ultra-modern warehouse, we wanted to "build ahead" in the truest sense of the word. This means setting new standards in the industry in terms of construction and further consolidating our leading market position as a narcotics service provider. This building also sends a clear message to our customers: here you will find a service for your BtM products at the highest level, which is difficult to find elsewhere. As it says so aptly in our mission statement: "We operate nationally and internationally in line with our customers' markets". It is precisely this commitment that we have implemented with the construction of the new BtM warehouse.

The Med-X-Press narcotics warehouse is "state of the art":

Our customers benefit first and foremost from numerous technical innovations. The new "climate-controlled vault" is actively temperature-controlled in all areas.  We can store particularly temperature-sensitive products in cold storage cells at between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius. We use a special loadhouse system to protect every delivery from external temperature influences right from the goods receiving area. We provide our customers with brand-new climate cabinets for the stable storage of narcotics and cannabis products. We also offer state-of-the-art security technology with a link to the local police and state-of-the-art camera technology. Thanks to permanent video surveillance of the goods and the work processes on site, we can document all processes within the climate-controlled vault without any gaps and trace them back if necessary. Security also means that we adhere to the four-eyes principle as part of a daily stock check.

Intelligent building protects the environment:

Natascha de Raad already described the contribution that the narcotics warehouse makes to sustainability in detail in the last blog post. Nevertheless, I would like to highlight the most important points here once again. We planned our "climate-controlled vault" with sustainability in mind right from the start. The green roof fulfills several functions at once: It prevents excessive heating in summer, minimizes cooling in winter and at the same time reduces the CO2 content of the atmosphere. With the solar panels on the roof, we secure a large part of our energy supply. The construction planning was also "sustainable" in every respect: I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone once again from the bottom of my heart who made this rapid completion possible. Thanks above all to forward-looking construction planning, everything went extremely well and was completed "on time". For example, the construction management had anticipated the upcoming bottlenecks and delivery delays on the procurement markets and ordered many of the most basic components and materials for the narcotics warehouse well in advance. As a result, they were not only able to complete the construction on time, but also stay within the previously set budget.

What exactly can our customers expect from us?

In general, we take care of order picking in the active temperature-controlled area in accordance with our clients' specifications as well as sample handling, i.e. the punctual dispatch of samples to laboratories. For the stability storage of BtM and cannabis products - our newest business area - we now store your test samples to check quality and shelf life and destroy test samples in accordance with the legally prescribed procedures. We also manage the entire analytical process in cooperation with our laboratory partners.  We use calibrated data loggers and offer 24/7 temperature monitoring to ensure an unbroken cold chain and temperature monitoring.

And there's more:

Numerous value-added services flank our core logistics expertise in the field of narcotics along our customers' supply chains. As you may already know from your own experience, our employees are excellently trained in all legal matters. They are familiar with all pharmaceutical regulations and assist our customers with all formalities - from imports and exports to obtaining official approvals.

Our employees are the key to our success:

Time and again, our customers confirm how much they appreciate the trusting cooperation and expertise of the Med-X-Press team. Conveniently, the Goslar customs office is an authorized customs office for the clearance of narcotics for all imports, exports and transits. Thanks to short distances and excellent connections, we can ensure smooth communication and customs clearance directly on site. This combination of a state-of-the-art naarcotics warehouse and the highest level of service competence from our experienced and competent team offers the highest level of service security. All this together makes Med-X-Press the logistics partner of choice for discerning customers. 

Do you have any questions about the new narcotics warehouse or would you like advice on our services? We look forward to hearing from you. 
Please feel free to write to us at:

You can find more information on narcotics/cannabis logistics from Med-X-Press here