Med-X-Press GmbH

A "parlor" in the Asklepios Harz-Clinics in Goslar

donations from Med-X-Press

A meeting room for patients was established in the Goslar hospital with the help of sponsors. Med-X-Press has supported the project with a donation to purchase an aquarium and by arranging for cheap sources of supply for materials for renovation. In this way, a former storeroom became a "good living room" for the patients - with everything that goes with it. This is especially important in these times when sick people are not allowed to have a visit from relatives or friends due to the Corona crisis. In the “parlor” it is now possible to eat together in a pleasant atmosphere, there are many books to read or simply the possibility for a little chat. Sometimes just the calming view into the aquarium is enough to increase the well-being. A great idea for more humanity in hospital, especially in exceptional times.  We at Med-X-Press work daily for the security of patient care and have been very happy to support this project of nursing students.

The photos were taken shortly before the pandemic - currently the wearing of a mouth and nose protector in the clinic is mandatory.