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Blog #27: When someone takes a trip...

Natascha de Raad about a trip to the CPhI in Barcelona

Natascha de Raad about a trip to the CPhI in Barcelona

Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

By Natascha de Raad

The German poet Matthias Claudius already knew over 200 years ago: "When someone goes on a journey, he has a story to tell".How true - I can only confirm this. My journey was from Goslar to Barcelona. "Actually" no problem, because Hanover Airport is not far away and with short distances and fast check-in, you can usually reach your destination quickly. If it weren't for the flights: Cancelled, Delayed... 

Detours to our destination

The planned route went via Amsterdam to Spain, I flew to Vienna, from there to Paris - only to land in Barcelona hours later. "Not amused", the sightseeing flight over Europe was already dampening my mood. And in Barcelona itself it continued like this, endless queues at cab ranks or ticket machines - it all reminded me of the situation at German train stations, where delays, train cancellations and other strange occurrences are the order of the day. Recently, a colleague told me about an experience at Ludwigshafen station. She was standing on the platform waiting for the announced train to Aachen. Five minutes after the scheduled departure time, the loudspeaker announced that the train had already left the station 15 minutes earlier. This too is apparently business as usual in Germany.

Finally at the CPhI

I refuse to generalize about situations like this, but it does seem to reflect our society. But before I start lamenting, I'd like to get to the reason for my adventurous journey - after all, that's the most important thing: the CPhI, the largest international trade fair with all the aspects that are currently important for the pharmaceutical industry.

After all, trade fairs are a melting point and CPhI is that simply because of the international exhibitors and the focus on global developments. For me, it was important to see which trends are hot, which innovative solutions are being offered in different areas - and of course the personal encounters, the constructive and informative discussions. My impression was mixed. Here high-tech and there the increasingly complex framework conditions. I don't want to talk about uncertainty, but the overall picture conveys a degree of uncertainty that is not good for the industry. A lot has changed, is in limbo and no one can really say where the journey is heading. 

Ambivalent impressions 

Let me briefly pass on my main impressions: 

  • For Med-X-Press as a pharmaceutical logistics provider, the decisive factor is that supply chains remain fragile and there is no sign of the normalization that was hoped for after the pandemic. 
  • The big players in the pharmaceutical industry are demonstrating their strength, leading the way and determining events. Mergers & acquisitions will increase, although concentration is not bad per se, it can generate innovations and also leads to the pooling of resources - which are already scarce in many areas. 
  • De-risking in the production of active ingredients is a declared intention, also on the part of politicians, but the intention alone is not enough and even processes initiated now will take years. 
  • From a global perspective, I am looking from Barcelona to Brussels and Berlin and the direction of view does not necessarily lift my spirits. The "Reform of the EU pharmaceutical legislation", or pharmaceutical package for short, is providing initial impetus, but in the opinion of many stakeholders it falls short. 

From Barcelona to Berlin in my thoughts 

And Berlin? The Federal Ministry of Health is working on a long list of ambitious projects. I'll just mention hospital and care reform, the legalization of cannabis and then there's the law to improve the use of health data. The DigiG is intended to promote digitalization in the healthcare sector. Health Minister Lauterbach has just announced another law for this year to reduce bureaucracy. We should be vigilant so that we don't fight bureaucracy with bureaucracy. 

Back in Goslar 

And then I return to Goslar, in the middle of Germany, where Med-X-Press is based. I see the impact of national and international events, which we all have to reconcile: to satisfy our customers and to fulfill our responsibility to ensure the security of supply of medicines. One aspect is particularly important to me:  

I have often written about networking in my blog. It is also appropriate here. Only through mutual exchange can we get to grips with the complex situation.  The rapid pace of change leaves us with only one chance: we have to get involved - nationally and internationally, clearly define and defend our positions and not get lost in the minutiae.

Finally, I remember a little incident from Barcelona: In the queue at the cab rank, there were, quite rightly, some expressions of displeasure. An Italian standing next to me commented on this: 'Come to the CPhI in Milan next year, everything is even worse there! 

I'll leave it at that and ask you: What is your assessment of the current situation? 
Write to me

Blog #27: When someone takes a trip...

Natascha de Raad about a trip to the CPhI in Barcelona

Natascha de Raad about a trip to the CPhI in Barcelona

Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

By Natascha de Raad

The German poet Matthias Claudius already knew over 200 years ago: "When someone goes on a journey, he has a story to tell".How true - I can only confirm this. My journey was from Goslar to Barcelona. "Actually" no problem, because Hanover Airport is not far away and with short distances and fast check-in, you can usually reach your destination quickly. If it weren't for the flights: Cancelled, Delayed... 

Detours to our destination

The planned route went via Amsterdam to Spain, I flew to Vienna, from there to Paris - only to land in Barcelona hours later. "Not amused", the sightseeing flight over Europe was already dampening my mood. And in Barcelona itself it continued like this, endless queues at cab ranks or ticket machines - it all reminded me of the situation at German train stations, where delays, train cancellations and other strange occurrences are the order of the day. Recently, a colleague told me about an experience at Ludwigshafen station. She was standing on the platform waiting for the announced train to Aachen. Five minutes after the scheduled departure time, the loudspeaker announced that the train had already left the station 15 minutes earlier. This too is apparently business as usual in Germany.

Finally at the CPhI

I refuse to generalize about situations like this, but it does seem to reflect our society. But before I start lamenting, I'd like to get to the reason for my adventurous journey - after all, that's the most important thing: the CPhI, the largest international trade fair with all the aspects that are currently important for the pharmaceutical industry.

After all, trade fairs are a melting point and CPhI is that simply because of the international exhibitors and the focus on global developments. For me, it was important to see which trends are hot, which innovative solutions are being offered in different areas - and of course the personal encounters, the constructive and informative discussions. My impression was mixed. Here high-tech and there the increasingly complex framework conditions. I don't want to talk about uncertainty, but the overall picture conveys a degree of uncertainty that is not good for the industry. A lot has changed, is in limbo and no one can really say where the journey is heading. 

Ambivalent impressions 

Let me briefly pass on my main impressions: 

  • For Med-X-Press as a pharmaceutical logistics provider, the decisive factor is that supply chains remain fragile and there is no sign of the normalization that was hoped for after the pandemic. 
  • The big players in the pharmaceutical industry are demonstrating their strength, leading the way and determining events. Mergers & acquisitions will increase, although concentration is not bad per se, it can generate innovations and also leads to the pooling of resources - which are already scarce in many areas. 
  • De-risking in the production of active ingredients is a declared intention, also on the part of politicians, but the intention alone is not enough and even processes initiated now will take years. 
  • From a global perspective, I am looking from Barcelona to Brussels and Berlin and the direction of view does not necessarily lift my spirits. The "Reform of the EU pharmaceutical legislation", or pharmaceutical package for short, is providing initial impetus, but in the opinion of many stakeholders it falls short. 

From Barcelona to Berlin in my thoughts 

And Berlin? The Federal Ministry of Health is working on a long list of ambitious projects. I'll just mention hospital and care reform, the legalization of cannabis and then there's the law to improve the use of health data. The DigiG is intended to promote digitalization in the healthcare sector. Health Minister Lauterbach has just announced another law for this year to reduce bureaucracy. We should be vigilant so that we don't fight bureaucracy with bureaucracy. 

Back in Goslar 

And then I return to Goslar, in the middle of Germany, where Med-X-Press is based. I see the impact of national and international events, which we all have to reconcile: to satisfy our customers and to fulfill our responsibility to ensure the security of supply of medicines. One aspect is particularly important to me:  

I have often written about networking in my blog. It is also appropriate here. Only through mutual exchange can we get to grips with the complex situation.  The rapid pace of change leaves us with only one chance: we have to get involved - nationally and internationally, clearly define and defend our positions and not get lost in the minutiae.

Finally, I remember a little incident from Barcelona: In the queue at the cab rank, there were, quite rightly, some expressions of displeasure. An Italian standing next to me commented on this: 'Come to the CPhI in Milan next year, everything is even worse there! 

I'll leave it at that and ask you: What is your assessment of the current situation? 
Write to me